Potato Chip Manufacturers: Are Potato Chips Good for Your Health?

Potato chips are a worldwide favorite snack, cherished by people of all ages and backgrounds. It is considered a staple snack in households across regions. Depending on the geographical location, potato chips come in unique flavors. However, no matter how many households eat potato chips as their favorite pastime snack, they aren’t famous for their health benefits or nutrition.

Fortunately, not every potato chip is unhealthy or loaded with sodium, fat, and preservatives. Potato chip manufacturers make plenty of chips that you can enjoy to satisfy your cravings without sacrificing your health and nutrition goals.

In this blog, we’ll explore whether potato chips can fit into a healthy lifestyle, their nutritional profile, and how manufacturers can contribute to a more health-conscious snack industry. 

Table of Contents

  • Process of making potato chips in factories
  • The Nutritional Profile
  • Baked vs. Fried 
  • Potential Benefits of Potato Chips
  • Moderation and Health Considerations
  • The Role of Manufacturers
  • Conclusion

Process of making potato chips in factories

Invented first by chef George Crum in 1853, potato chips have come a long way as a favorite snack in common households. When made in factories, potato chips are made with the following steps:

  1. Chipping potatoes come in long shapes and are easy to cut. These potatoes are chosen and are grown by farmers. These potatoes are stored in temperature-controlled environments to control their growth.
  2. These potatoes are then washed, and the machine rubs off their skin and then sorts them according to size. Next, they are sliced thinly and evenly.
  3. Further, they are washed to get rid of straw that seeps onto the edge of the potato when it is cut.
  4. Potato chips are then put into vegetable oil to let them fry. Once the potato chips are fired to the perfect crispiness and the right color, they are removed from the oil and then salted, seasoned, and packed into the bags.

The Nutritional Profile

Let’s start by dissecting the nutritional profile of potato chips. Typically, they are made from thinly sliced potatoes that are deep-fried or baked and seasoned with various flavors. Here are some key nutritional aspects to consider:

  1. Calories: Potato chips are calorie-dense. Consuming them in excess can contribute to weight gain.
  1. Fat: They are often high in unhealthy saturated and trans fats, which can raise bad cholesterol levels and increase the risk of heart disease.
  2. Sodium: Many potato chips are loaded with salt, which, when consumed excessively, can lead to high blood pressure and other health issues.
  3. Empty Calories: Potato chips provide little to no essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals, or fiber. They are essentially “empty calories.”
  4. Acrylamide: During the frying process, a chemical called acrylamide can form in potato chips, which, in high doses, may have negative health effects.
  5. Portion Control: The problem often lies in portion control. It’s easy to mindlessly consume a large bag of chips, which can quickly add up in calories and sodium. 

Baked vs. Fried 

Baked potato chips are widely available in the market and are considered a healthy alternative to fried ones. This is for one simple reason: baked chips do not contain as much fat or calories as fried ones. But are they actually as healthy as manufacturers promote them to be? Let’s see.

Oil and fat content

Baked potato chips, as compared to fried ones, have less oil and fat content. Baked ones seem to be a much healthier option. So yes, baked ones do not involve oil in the cooking process and is a healthy way to cook food.

Baked chips are typically low in fat and calories, which is beneficial for you to control your weight. However, we need to keep in mind that baking does not mean chips are lower in sodium or free from potentially harmful compounds like acrylamide.

Baked potato chips would be a more nourishing choice than fried ones, given that the starch is subjected to high-heat cooking and forms acrylamide, a potent carcinogen.

Potential Benefits of Potato Chips

Some of the commonly asked questions are: Are potato chips good for you or not? What happens if we eat chips every day? Although store-bought chips are not the best option for you, they have many advantages over other packaged items.

Compared to other packaged items, such as sweets, chips are lower in sugar and carbs. Chips may also be a better choice than granola bars, baked goods, and other heavily processed ingredients.

Since chips are made from potatoes, they can provide several vitamins and minerals. As well, healthy potato chips can provide essential vitamins and minerals like potassium, pantothenic acid, vitamin E, vitamin C, vitamin B6, and manganese.

Most varieties of potato chips made by manufacturers are gluten-free and vegan, which makes them a popular choice among health enthusiasts, especially among people who have dietary restrictions and sensitivities.

One of the best ways to ensure that you are eating a healthy choice of chips is to carefully go through the ingredient label. Pick a product that is free of fillers, additives, preservatives, and other harmful ingredients like excess sodium.

Additionally, you can make an environmentally friendly choice by choosing biodegradable packaging, also known as compostable, which helps keep potato chips fresh, crispy, and intact in taste.

Moderation and Health Considerations

While potato chips made in a factory contain additives and unhealthy fats, you can create a healthy version of yours by making them at home or simply choosing baked or air-fried chips. Make a healthy choice and enjoy potato chips in moderation. When enjoyed in moderation, they can still be part of a balanced diet. Here are some tips for healthier chip consumption:

  1. Portion Control: Be mindful of serving sizes and avoid mindless munching directly from the bag.
  2. Opt for Baked Chips: Baked potato chips generally have a lower fat content than their fried counterparts.
  3. Check the label: Look for brands that offer reduced-fat or reduced-sodium options. Also, check ingredient lists for healthier oils.
  4. Pair with Healthier Choices: Enjoy potato chips with a side of vegetables or a dip like hummus to increase the nutritional value of your snack.
  5. Homemade Chips: Consider making your own potato chips at home. You can control the ingredients and cooking methods and be aware of what’s on your plate.

The Role of Manufacturers

Potato chips manufacturers have a significant role to play in promoting healthier snacking habits. Here are some ways they can contribute:

  1. Transparency: Clearly display nutritional information and recommended serving sizes on the packaging.
  2. Ingredient Choices: Opt for healthier cooking oils and seasoning options that are lower in sodium.
  3. Portion Packs: Offer single-serving portion packs to encourage controlled snacking.
  4. Innovation: Invest in research and development to create healthier chip alternatives using whole grains, sweet potatoes, or other nutritious ingredients.
  5. Education: Promote awareness about responsible snacking and the importance of moderation.

For instance, JOJOSE FOODS found that many young people do not like to eat simple potatoes but would definitely love to munch on french fries and potato chips. This is the point where JOJOSE began its research and development, using the most popular Pringles brand potato chips on the market as the benchmark product. The team spent half a year developing healthy potato chips that are just as crisp and delicious as Pringles and can be stacked.


In conclusion, potato chips, a beloved snack worldwide, can find a place in a healthy lifestyle when consumed in moderation and with mindfulness. Manufacturers play a pivotal role by offering transparent labeling, healthier ingredient choices, and innovative alternatives. While potato chips may not be a nutritional powerhouse, they can be enjoyed as an occasional treat, especially when homemade or opting for baked versions. With awareness and responsible consumption, these iconic snacks can still be savored without sacrificing health and nutrition goals.